Friday, 31 January 2014

Never Give Up

Remember! Whenever you are starting to become low, someone else is climbing high to the top. You just don't have to let him get ahead of you. Always be the best. Show the world who you really are. Never Give Up no matter what happens.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Six Essential Nutrients

Protein might easily be called “the stuff of life.” It makes up to about 45% of total body weight. Get 30% of your calories from protein. Best choices, lean meats, sea foods, poultry and low fat dairy. Protein is the structural core of the human body and is at work in every cell of the body. In fact, next to water, protein is the most abundant substance in most cells. It is required for growth and repair of tissues. All enzymes and many hormones are types of protein. Antibodies and other components of our immune systems are comprised of proteins, so protein plays a major role in fighting disease.
TIP: Include some type of protein in every meal/snack.

Get 50% of your calories here. When it comes to carbs, fruits and vegetable first. Grains are second (the browner the better). Don’t become a carb junkie. Remember that too may carbohydrates are stored as fat. If you are like most Americans, you are eating too many carbohydrates. Don't carb overdose! Most abused carbohydrates foods are pasta, bagels, breads and rice.
Carbohydrates are important because they are the most efficient fuel for the body. Try to maintain a diet of foods that have a low glycemic index rating. Foods with a low glycemic index are considered slow-acting and don’t spike insulin levels.

#3 FAT 
Fats are important to your body. Our bodies have the capacity to synthesize saturated and unsaturated fatty acids but not important polyunsaturated fatty acids (olive, peanut and safflower oils). For this reason we must consume these polyunsaturated fatty acids in our diets. They are called essential fatty acids. For example; olive, peanut and safflower oils, avocados, and almonds are all "good" fats Look out for Trans Fat (formed from one type of fat to another). Found in: margarine, french fries, and bakery products. Look on food labels for the words “partially hydrogenated,” meaning it’s a commercially synthesized trans fat.

Vitamins and minerals are involved in nearly all metabolic reactions in the body. The various vitamins help in energy production, growth and repair, and fighting off disease and oxidation. Evidence now suggests that vitamins play a much more complex role in assuring vitality and optimal health than previously thought. Even more provocative are new findings that show vitamins can stave off the normal ravages of aging. You can get a lot of needed vitamins from foods, but more and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of supplementing with a good vitamin and mineral formula.

Water is vital to most bodily functions. It functions to dissolve substances, is a medium for chemical reactions and a lubricant, and aids in temperature regulation. About one quart of water is lost daily through urine, and during exercise, up to approximately two quarts of water per hour can be lost through perspiration. Drink water often throughout the day. The normal recommendation is approximately 10 cups per day -- more prior to and following exercise.
TIP: Always drink 1 glass of water before each meal.

Eat as much as you can. Try to get at least 25 grams per day. Basically, fiber is plant cells that the human body cannot digest. Among other benefits, diets with sufficient fiber produce softer, bulkier stool, help promote bowel regularity and avoid constipation and other disorders. Vegetables and wholegrain breads are sources of dietary fiber.
TIP: Start your day with a high fiber cereal.
TIP: The above nutritional information applied in your daily life, along with aerobic and strength training (see workout guide), is the key to optimal health.

Where To Start

Where To Start?
Know Your Requirements
Use the following chart to estimate the calories needed to maintain a desired weight, (considering moderate exercise).

Nutritional Calculator 

Daily Calorie Requirement = Your Weight_____x 14 = Total Daily Calories 
• If your goal is to lose weight subtract 10% from this number.
• If your goal is to gain weight add 10% to this number.
Using this formula a 180 pound man would be as follows: 
• Total Calories Per Day = 2250
• Total Calories Per Meal = 420 (2520 divide by 6 meals)
Now break these calories down to protein, fat and carbohydrates: 
• Protein = 30% (daily total 756 calories)
• Fat = 20% (daily total 504 calories) • Carbohydrates = 50% (daily total 1260 calories)
Determine the calorie requirement from protein/carbs/fats for each meal:
• Total Calories Per Meal = 420 • Protein Calories Per Meal = 126 Calories (31 grams of protein - 126 divided by 4)
• Carb Calories Per Meal = 210 Calories (52 grams of carbs - 210 divided by 4)
• Fat Calories Per Meal = 84 Calories (9 grams of fat - 84 divided by 9)

Balanced Nutrition

You now know that simple sugars, processed carbohydrates and high glycemic carbohydrates (like rice cakes, cold cereals, and whole wheat bread) when eaten alone will quickly send blood sugars soaring. Thus releasing insulin that in turn sends the sugars to adipose tissue to be stored as body fat. So lets construct a balanced diet that provides our bodies with the right amount of nutrients so that we don’t have cravings, avoid low energy levels, lose body fat and remain mentally alert. This program is based on a protein/carbohydrate/fat ratio of 30/50/20.

Three Basic Food Components:

Protein -
Get 30% of your calories from Protein
Best Protein Choices:
Chicken (Skinless)                   Lean Red Meat                     Low Fat Dairy Products
Fish                                         Egg Whites                            Turkey

Carbohydrates - Get 50% of your calories here.

Best Food Choices - Based on Glycemic Index
Apple                  Pears                          Raspberries
Peaches               Oranges                      Blueberries

Best Vegetable ChoicesGreen Beans                        Broccoli                               Scallions
Celery                                 Green Leaf Lettuce

Fats - 20% Of Calories From Fats
Good Fats:Olive Oil                            Almonds                          Avocados
Fish Oil

Bad Fats:
Fatty Red Meats           Egg Yolks                                 Organ Meats                
Processed Foods        

Note:  1 gram of protein = 4 calories, 1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories, 1 gram of fat = 9 calories. We will be looking for balanced combination of these three.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Nutrition Schedule

Your nutrition intake should be 5-6 meals/snacks per day. Never go longer than 4 hours between meals/snacks.

This program is based on a 30/50/20 protein, carbohydrate, and fat intake. To maintain high energy and to increase muscle mass, eat often. Regular consumption keeps the body in an optimum state for muscle repair and growth. Eat at regularly scheduled intervals rather than waiting until you are hungry. Scheduled meals provide a sense of well-being and help prevent the cravings and binging brought on by low blood sugar levels.

If you are very busy, remember that you can use meal replacement powders or protein bars for your nutritional intake.

Tips: Snack smarter and think balance. Eat protein with every meal. It is essential that you consume 8-10 glasses of water per day.


Breakfast               7:00 AM
Snack                    9:30 AM
Lunch                   11:30 AM
Snack                     3:00 PM
Dinner                    6:00 PM
Snack                     8:00 PM

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Keys To Your Success

Tips From The Professionals:

*Keep A Training Journal:

Detail and record your workout routines and poundages. Each week refer to them and select a few lifts on which to increase the weight. A log will provide a good indication of your training progress and of which exercises are working for you. This allows you to eliminate lifts that are not producing results.

*Eat Several Meals A Day:

Eating this way insures you are providing your body with adequate nutritional support. Frequent small meals provide a consistent supply of nutrients for the most efficient muscle growth. Many diets provide inadequate, below maintenance levels of calories and nutrition. This results in catabolism of muscle tissue.

*Eat Protein:

Try to eat at least 1 gram of protein per lean pound of body weight daily. This is critical for people engaging in high-intensity resistance exercise because they need increased amounts of protein to support muscle growth. This goal can be easily met by supplementing the diet with amino acids or protein. Eat right, and treat your body with respect. Proper exercise will not counteract bad eating habits and poor eating patterns.

*Avoid Distractions:

Have conversations before and after workouts if you like, but once the workout begins, become self-centered, serious and selfish with time.

*Vary Your Program:
You must become your own exercise scientist. After a period of time, muscles become conditioned to the same routine and exercises — in other words they become immune to the workout. Gains become null. This can be overcome by periodically varying the order, exercises, and muscle groups. Keeping new angles and new exercises incorporated into your routine causes "muscle confusion" which forces muscles to break down more easily.

*Increase Your Weight:

Only by increasing the weight as often as possible will you provide muscles with the stimulus to protect themselves from future assaults by building up more muscle mass. This is the single most important fact for increasing muscle size and strength.

*Train Hard, Not Long:

Cut back on the amount of lifting you do and raise your intensity level. High-intensity muscular contractions are an absolute requirement for stimulating rapid, large-scale increases in muscular size and strength. Muscles respond to stimulus. Completing an arbitrarily chosen set of reps will not make muscle grow. You must take the last rep to failure — this is the most productive lift. Keep workouts relatively short. Overtraining in the quest for size can halt progress. Overtraining is a common and often fatal mistake made by novice and intermediate bodybuilders. Heavy lifting should not exceed much more than 30 minutes

*Train For A Complete Physique:

It is great to develop exceptional muscle mass and tone, but it is a sorry state of affairs when there is so much body fat on your frame that the muscles you have worked for so hard don't even show. Add some aerobic training to your routine. Twenty minutes of aerobics daily is usually plenty. Calculate your aerobic heart rate by taking 220 minus your age and multiplying that by 70%.

*Focus On The Muscle Group You Are Working:

By concentrating on a specific muscle, you will automatically isolate it more. Do not rely heavily on machines. Free weights are more efficient for muscle growth.

*Breath Correctly:
Proper breathing is very important. Breathing supplies oxygen to the muscle cells, which is necessary for muscle contraction, and helps deliver energy and build the muscle. Exhale when you lift the weight. Inhale when you lower it.

*Concentrate On The Negative:
Most of the damage, and thus gains, in muscularity is caused during the negative (eccentric) portion of the lift. It is more important for growth to control the weight when lowering it than when pressing it upwards (concentric/positive). Concentrate on the negative portion of the lift. That is, lower the weight more slowly than you press it up.

*Maintain Constant Resistance:
A lift should be performed with constant tension. Pressure should remain constant on the muscle group you are training throughout the exercise. Many times this can be avoided by not locking out the joint in a effort to rest momentarily.

*Full Range Of Motion:
People make serious mistakes by not completing a full range of motion in their lifts. They either miss the top or bottom range.

*Focus On Form, Not Weight:

While you should always train as heavily as possible and increase the weight as often as you can, you must also perform the exercises using good form. Heaving a lot of weight can make you feel macho, but improper form will keep you from developing the best physique.

*Achieve Peak Contraction:
This is a training principle that turns the average "rep" into a growth-producing blitz. Rather than merely moving the weight up and down, you should actively squeeze it hard for a second at the peak of contraction.

*Rest Is Critical:

Allow at least 72 hours of rest before training the same muscle group. Some people may need more recovery time. Very few can get by with less.

Workout Routine Four

Day 1 - Chest & Triceps:

Exercise                                                                            Reps
Incline Bench Press                                                            3 x 8 - 10
Dumbbell Presses                                                               3 x 8 - 10
PullOvers                                                                           3 x 8 - 10
Pec Dec Flies                                                                     3 x 8 - 10
Tricep Press Downs                                                            3 x 8 - 10
Tricep Kickbacks                                                                3 x 8 - 10

Day 2 - Legs & Calves:
Exercise                                                                            Reps
Hack Squats                                                                       3 x 8 - 10
Lunges                                                                                3 x 8 - 10
Leg Extensions                                                                    3 x 8 - 10
Leg Curls                                                                             3 x 8 - 10
Standing Calf Machine                                                          3 x 8 - 10
Leg Press Machine                                                               3 x 8 - 10
Seated Calf Raises                                                                3 x 8 - 10

Day 3 - Back:
Exercise                                                                              Reps
Lat Pull Downs Close Grip                                                   3 x 8 - 10
T-Bar Rows                                                                         3 x 8 - 10
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows                                                     3 x 8 - 10
Chin Ups                                                                             3 x 8 - 10
Bent Over Rows                                                                   3 x 8 - 10

Day 4 - Shoulders & Biceps:
Exercise                                                                               Reps
Close Grip Upright Rows                                                       3 x 8 - 10
Bent Over Lateral Raises                                                       3 x 8 - 10
Shrugs                                                                                 3 x 8 - 10
Standing Bicep Curls (Dumbbells)                                           3 x 8 - 10
Alternating Dumbbell Curls                                                     3 x 8 - 10

Day 5 - Off
Day 6 - Off
Day 7 - Repeat Day 1

Workout Routine Three

Day 1 - Back & Biceps:

Exercise                                                                      Reps
Chin-Ups                                                                      3 x 12, 10, 8
Seated Cable Rows                                                      3 x 12, 10, 8
One Arm Dumbbell Rows                                              3 x 12, 10, 8
Behind-The-Neck Pull Downs                                        3 x 12, 10, 8
Concentration Curls                                                      3 x 12, 10, 8
Reverse Dumbbell Curls                                                 3 x 12, 10, 8
Preacher Curls                                                              3 x 12, 10, 8

Day 2 - Shoulders & Abs:

Exercise                                                                      Reps
Military Bar Presses                                                      3 x 12, 10, 8
Side Lateral Raises                                                        3 x 12, 10, 8
Close Grip Upright Rows                                                3 x 12, 10, 8
Bent-Over Lateral Raises                                                3 x 12, 10, 8
Bent Knee Leg Raises                                                    3 x 12, 10, 8
Seated Leg Tucks                                                          3 x 12, 10, 8

Day 3 - Legs & Calves:

Exercise                                                                         Reps
Squats                                                                             3 x 12, 10, 8
Leg Extensions                                                                3 x 12, 10, 8
Leg Press                                                                        3 x 12, 10, 8
Leg Curls                                                                        3 x 12, 10, 8
Leg Press Machine                                                          3 x 12, 10, 8
Seated Calf Raises                                                           3 x 8 - 10
Standing Calf Machine                                                      3 x 8 - 10

Day 4 - Chest, Triceps & Abs:

Exercise                                                                         Reps
Bench Press                                                                    3 x 8 - 10
Dumbbell Flies                                                                 3 x 8 - 10 
Decline Press                                                                  3 x 8 - 10
Pec dec Flies                                                                  3 x 8 - 10
Dips                                                                               3 x 8 - 10
French Press w/EZ Bar                                                    3 x 8 - 10
Leg Tucks On Floor                                                         3 x 25
Bench Crunches                                                              3 x 25

Day 5 - Off
Day 6 - Off
Day 7 - Repeat Day 1 

Workout Routine Two

Day 1 - Chest & Biceps:

Exercise:                                                                            Reps
Bench Press                                                                         3 x 8 - 10
Incline Bench Press                                                              3 x 8 - 10
PullOvers                                                                             3 x 8 - 10
Standing Cross Cable                                                           3 x 8 - 10
Alternating Dumbbell Curls                                                   3 x 8 - 10
Preacher Curls                                                                     3 x 8 - 10
Standing Bicep Curls                                                            
3 x 8 - 10

Day 2 - Back & Triceps:

Exercise                                                                              Reps
T-Bar Rows                                                                          3 x 8 - 10
Lat Pull Downs Close Grip                                                    3 x 8 - 10
Bent Over Rows                                                                   3 x 8 - 10
Seated Cable Rows                                                              3 x 8 - 10
Dips                                                                                    3 x 8 - 10
Tricep One Arm Extensions                                                  3 x 8 - 10
Tricep Bench Dips                                                                3 x 8 - 10

Day 3 - Shoulders & Abs:

Exercise                                                                              Reps
Military Dumbbells Presses                                                  3 x 8 - 10
Close Grip Upright Rows                                                      3 x 8 - 10
Front Deltoid Raises                                                            3 x 8 - 10
Bent Over Lateral Raises                                                      3 x 8 - 10
Seated Leg Trucks                                                               3 x 25 
Bent Knee Leg Raises                                                          3 x 25

Day 4 - Legs & Calves

Exercise                                                                               Reps
Hack Squats                                                                        3 x 8 - 10
Leg Curls                                                                             3 x 8 - 10
Leg Extension                                                                      3 x 8 - 10
Lunges                                                                                 3 x 8 - 10
Standing Calf Machine                                                           3 x 20
Leg Press machine                                                                3 x 20 
Seated Calf Raises                                                                3 x 20

Day 5 - Off
Day 6 - Repeat Day 1

Workout Routine One

Perform some warm ups before beginning your weightlifting routine:

Day 1 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps: 
Exercise                                                                    Reps 

Incline Bench Press                                                     3 x 12, 10, 8
Dumbbell Presses                                                        3 x 12, 10, 8
PullOvers                                                                    3 x 12, 10, 8
Pec Deck Flies                                                            3 x 12, 10, 8
Side Lateral Raises                                                      3 x 12, 10, 8
Bent Over Lateral Raises                                              3 x 12, 10, 8
Shrugs                                                                        3 x 12, 10, 8
Tricep Press Down                                                       3 x 12, 10, 8
Tricep Kickbacks                                                         3 x 12, 10, 8

Day 2 - Back, Biceps & Abs:

Exercise                                                                      Reps
Lat Pulldown Front                                                       3 x 12, 10, 8   
T-Bar Rows                                                                 3 x 12, 10, 8
Bent Over Rows                                                           3 x 12, 10, 8
Standing Bicep Curls                                                    3 x 12, 10, 8
Concentration Curls                                                      3 x 12, 10, 8
Hammer Curls                                                              3 x 12, 10, 8
Bench Crunches                                                           3 x 25
Vertical Bench Leg Raise                                              3 x 258

Day 3 - Legs & Calves:

Exercise                                                                        Reps
Squats                                                                           3 x 12, 10, 8
Lunges                                                                           3 x 12, 10, 8
Leg press                                                                       3 x 12, 10, 8
Leg Curls                                                                       3 x 12, 10, 8
Seated Calf Raise                                                           3 x 20
Leg Press Machine                                                         3 x 20
Standing Calf Machine                                                    3 x 20

Day 4 - Off
Day 5 - Repeat Day 1

Workout Guide

Workout Guide is divided into 4 components.

*Workout Routine One

*Workout Routine Two

*Workout Routine Three

*Workout Routine Four

Calves Workout

Here is the Calves workout:

1.Seated Calf Raise:

Sit on a seated calf machine with your toes placed on the bottom crosspiece and your knees hooked under the crossbar. Slowly lower your heels as far towards the ground as possible and then press back up onto your toes until your calves are fully contracted and hold this position for 2 seconds. Stretch the calves between sets.

2.Leg Press Machine:

Position yourself on a leg-press machine as you would to perform a normal leg press. Move your feet so that the balls of your feet are on the edge of the foot platform and your heels are unsupported. Remove the safety catches and keep your legs straight, knees almost locked. Keeping your heels fixed, let the weight push your toes back toward you and fully stretch the calves. At this point, press the weight back up with your toes as far as possible until your calf muscles are fully contracted. Hold this position for a moment and then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. For variety, alternate pointing your toes inward, outward and straightforward.

3.Standing Calf Machine:

Stand on the block at the base of a calf machine with your toes pointed straight forward. Situate your shoulders under the padded bars and then lift as high as you can on your toes. Lower yourself down slowly and allow your heels to drop as far below the platform as possible. You should feel the stretch until it almost hurts. Avoid bending your knees and do not train so heavily that you sacrifice technique.

Legs Workout

Healthy Legs can make you look smart and also prove to make your structure look more firm. Here are the workouts:


Always wear a lifting belt and use a spotter while performing this exercise. Stand in front of a squat rack with your feet placed squarely under the bar. Grip the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width in a pronated (overhand) grip.

Place upper back in center of bar. The bar should rest across the posterior deltoids and middle of the trapezius. Chest is held up and out while shoulder blades are pulled together. Using your legs, lift the bar from the rack. Step back one small step and position your feet approximately shoulder-width apart with your toes pointed slightly outward.

You should look straight ahead and keep your feet flat on floor throughout the movement. Bend your knees so that you descend slowly and almost as low as possible. Your ultimate goal will be to squat to a position where your thighs will be almost parallel to the floor. As you descend, keep your torso erect and your hips directly under the bar at all times.

Do not allow your hips to drift backward or your torso to lean forward. The weight should remain over the middle of your feet. Never relax and drop swiftly or bounce into the squatted position. Contract your muscles evenly throughout the movement. Rise up and out of the squatted position again keeping your torso erect and your hips under the bar. Use a slow, controlled movement and avoid "jamming" the bar up at the top of the ascent. Do not round your back and pull your knees together during this exercise.

2.Hack Squats:

Position yourself on a squat machine with your shoulders under the pads, and your toes pointed outward. Keeping your eyes fixed straight forward and back pressed against pad, begin bending your knees and lower (with resistance) the weight until you are in a squatting position. Do not bounce at the bottom. Press yourself upward with your legs only, stopping just before full extension. Return to full squat position immediately.

As you do your "reps" try to establish a rhythm so there is never any marked stopping point--you move continuously up and down like a piston. Do not lock your knees at the top of the movement and maintain even, constant pressure on the muscles. For variety, point toes out (more emphasis on inner thighs) point toes in (more emphasis on outer thighs). Keep head up and back flat against pads.


Stand holding a barbell across your shoulders and your feet about shoulder width apart. Keep your head up, back straight, and chest high and thrust forward. "Lunge" or step forward, with one foot, bending your knees, and bring your trailing knee almost to the floor. Push yourself back up to the starting position with one strong, but not jolting, thrust that brings your feet back together. Repeat the movement stepping forward with the other foot. Lunges work the thigh, quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. Avoid striding too far or too little forward. Keep head up and your eyes looking straight forward throughout the exercise.

4.Leg Press:

Position yourself on the leg press machine, feet against the cross piece platform, shoulder width apart. Release the weight safety. Hold and lower the weight by bending your knees toward your chest/shoulder area. Bring the weight down until the hips start to rotate up and back. Stop before the rotation begins (approx. 90 degrees), and press the weight back up again until your legs are fully extended, but not completely locked out. You want to stop lower the weight once the hips begin to rotate back in order not to lose the arch in the lower back as this could predispose you to a lumbar disc injury. Avoid pushing on your knees with your hands. For variation point toes inward and outward.

5.Leg Extension:

Seat yourself on a leg extension machine. Hook your feet under the padded bar. Move the weight by straightening your legs. Extend your legs completely. This will allow you to achieve maximum contraction of the thigh muscle. Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Focus on working your thighs. Hold and flex your muscles at the top of the lift for two seconds. Vary the point of your toe (inward, outward, straight ahead) occasionally. Use a slow, controlled movement and avoid swinging or jerking the weight.

6.Leg Curls:

Lie face down on a leg curl machine and hook your heels under the padded bar. Extend your legs straight out so your kneecaps are not supported by the bench. While you remain flat on the bench, contract your abdominal muscles, flatten your back, and then bend your legs and curl them toward your "gluts" or "derriere" as far as possible. Hold and flex the muscles for two seconds. Keep your toes pointed toward your shins. Release and lower the weight slowly back to the starting position. During this exercise, avoid lifting your head or arching your back. Use your full range of motion and avoid making incomplete "reps".

Abdominals Workout

Abdominals can make you look smart and attractive. Here is the Abs workout:

1.Bent-Knee Leg Raises:
Leg Raises
Hold onto a chinning bar with an overhand grip. Hang at arms' length. Bend your knees and then lift your legs as high as possible. Hold them at the top of the movement for a two-count and then lower back to the starting position. For variety, twist at the top of the movement. This variation works the lower "abs" but also brings the intercostals and serratus into play. Alternate side to side. Avoid swinging and allowing the legs to come apart.

2.Bench Crunches:
Bench Crunches
Lie on the floor with your feet on a bench and your legs bent at a 90 degree angle. Place your hands at your temples. Raise your head and shoulders toward your knees with a sit up motion and simultaneously lift the pelvis. Feel the lower and upper "abs" contract together. Flex the abs hard at the top of the movement to get maximum contraction. Avoid pulling on your head with your hands. It may help to exhale just before "crunching" upwards.

3.Leg Tucks On The Floor:
Leg Tucks on Floor
Lie on your back with your hands at your temples. Lift your upper body as if doing a sit-up. Simultaneously, bring your knees up as far as possible towards your chest. Try to touch elbows to knees. Lower your back to the starting position. For best results, perform this exercise in one slow and controlled motion.

4.Seated Leg Tucks:
Leg Tucks Seated
Sit sideways on a bench and grasp the edges of the bench for support. With bent knees, raise your legs slightly and then straighten them. Lean backward as balance requires. Next, lift your knees up towards your chest while keeping your lower legs pointed downward and flexing (tightening) your "abs" as hard as you can. Keep continuous tension on the "abs" throughout this movement. This works both upper and lower abdominal muscles.

5.Vertical Bench Leg Raises:
Vertical Bench Leg Raises
Position yourself on a vertical bench. While using your arms to hold your body steady against the bench and keeping your legs straight, lift your legs up as high as possible. Hold your legs up at the top of the movement for 2 seconds and then slowly lower them down. Keep your back pressed against the bench at all times.

Back Workout

Here are the methods through which you can make your back more muscled and beautiful:

1.Lat Pull Downs:
Lat Pull Downs
Pull down to front: (most recommended) Sit on a seated "lat" machine and place both hands on the bar using an overhand grip. Keep your back slightly arched and in an upright position. Pull the bar down to your chest with your arms held back behind you. Slowly allow the weight to pull your arms back up into an extended position and stretch. Avoid bending backwards too far during this movement; bending too far will prevent full activation of the back muscles. Various grips can be used. Gripping the bar with hands close together (underhand grip) increases the load on the lower "lats." A wide grip works the upper "lats."

2.Bent Over Barbell Rows:
Bent Over Barbell Rows

Always wear a lifting belt for this exercise. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width beneath the bar. Grasp the bar with a pronated (overhand) grip and your hands four to six inches wider than your shoulders. While performing this exercise, keep your eyes focused straight ahead and avoid watching the bar. Keep your knees slightly bent at a constant angle. Contract your abdominals while you flatten your back and stabilize your torso so it is parallel to the floor. Slowly pull the bar in a vertical line toward your chest. Keep your elbows high and away from your sides. Pause at your low-pec line. Return to the starting position, but don't allow the weight to touch the floor. Exhale as you pull the weight and inhale as you lower it.

3.Seated Cable Rows:
Seated Cable Rows
Sit with your feet braced against the crossbar of a rowing machine and your knees bent slightly. Grasp the handles. Extend your arms and bend forward until you feel your "lats" stretch. You should be seated far enough from the weight stack so you can stretch as described without allowing the weight to touch the ground. From this beginning position, pull the handles back toward your body and into your sternum. Force your back muscles to do most the work as you draw the weight toward you. Stick out your chest. Arch your back. Try to touch your shoulder blades together. Upon completion of the "rep," you should be sitting upright, not leaning backward. Next, while keeping the weight under control, release your muscles slowly as you let the handles go forward again, once more stretching out the "lats." While performing this exercise, keep your head upright and fixed, knees bent slightly, and avoid bending forward too far or leaning back.

4.One-Arm Dumbbell Rows:
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
Place the knee and hand of one side of your body on a bench for support. Keep your back flat and parallel to the floor. With the opposite hand, grasp a dumbbell . Let it hang at arms length fully stretching the muscle. Keep your palm facing your body throughout the full range of this exercise and keep your body steady and stationary. Pull the dumbbell up and back toward your hip. Squeeze hard and contract the back muscle. Concentrate on doing the work with your back, rather than arm. Lower the weight as directly in front of your body as possible. Remember to keep the weight always under control. Chin-Ups Grasp an overhead chinning bar using an overhand full grip. Hang fully stretched from the bar. Next, pull yourself up. Try to touch the top of your chest to the bar. Pause slightly at the top of the movement and then slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Avoid swinging or kicking your legs or allowing them to go straight. A partner can assist by lifting your feet for forced "reps". Chin-ups are difficult to perform but — done correctly — they build upper-back width and muscularity like no other movement.

Chin Ups
Grasp an overhead chinning bar using an overhand full grip. Hang fully stretched from the bar. Next, pull yourself up. Try to touch the top of your chest to the bar. Pause slightly at the top of the movement and then slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Avoid swinging or kicking your legs or allowing them to go straight. A partner can assist by lifting your feet for forced "reps". Chin-ups are difficult to perform but — done correctly — they build upper-back width and muscularity like no other movement.

6.T-Bar Rows:
T-Bar Rows
Stand on a T-Bar roll machine and grasp the bar. Bend your knees slightly and keep your back flat. Keep your head up as you lift the weight from the floor and pull the T-bar up as high as possible. Lift until the weight comes in contact with your chest. Hold it for 2 seconds. Slowly lower the weight to the floor and stretch the upper back before resuming the pull upwards for the next repetition. Use relatively small plates (not less weight) to allow for greater range of motion and promote development of the back. Avoid swinging the weight and arching the back.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Chest Workout

Here are shown the chest workouts for a beautifully shaped chest:

1.Bench Press:

Position yourself on a bench press face up, lying flat on the bench. Place your hands far enough apart that your forearms are perpendicular to the ground. Lift the bar straight up until your elbows are almost straight Slowly lower the bar until it touches your lower chest. Do not bounce. Pause for a split second to stop all momentum and then drive the bar up to the top and squeeze your pecs hard. Do not lock your elbows and avoid arching, twisting and moving your feet.

2.Incline Bench Press:

Lie on an incline bench face up. Place your hands far enough apart that your forearms are perpendicular to the ground. Lift the bar off the rack and push it up until your elbows almost lock. Slowly lower the weight to your upper chest (using a 3 count), pause slightly, and then press the weight back up until your elbows almost lock. This movement keeps constant tension on the pectorals. Do not lock your elbows and avoid arching, twisting or moving your feet..

3.Decline Bench Press:

Lie face up on a decline bench. Grasp a barbell with both hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Lift the bar off the rack and push it up, over your chest, until your elbows almost lock. Lower the weight slowly and controlled to your lower chest and then press it back up over your chest until your elbows almost lock. Throughout the movement, keep your elbows pointed outward, to keep the chest muscle fully involved, and keep your head stationary and on the bench. For variety, this lift can be performed using dumbbells.

4.Dumbbell Presses:

Lie face up on a flat bench with your feet positioned firmly on the floor. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing forward. Press the dumbbells straight up, directly above your head. Lower the weights toward your chest. Keep the weights positioned high on the pectorals. Concentrate on keeping the weights fully balanced and under control. Lower the weights as far as you can and feel a complete stretch in the pectorals. Press the dumbbells back up above your head until your arms are extended. Avoid arching your back, moving your feet, and raising the dumbbells unevenly.

5.Dumbbell Flies:

Lie face up on a bench holding dumbbells in each hand, palms facing each other, arms extended straight above your chest. Lower the dumbbells out and down to the side in a wide arc. Lower them as far as possible so your pectorals are stretched to their maximum. Your palms should remain facing each other. Bend your arms slightly to reduce stress on the elbows. Pause slightly at the bottom of the movement and then lift the weights back up following the same arc. Another way to explain this movement would be to open and close your arms as if you were giving a big hug. At the top of the movement, flex your pectorals hard for a count of two before lowering the dumbbells for your next "rep." Dumbbell flies are effective for shaping and defining but not for building mass. To stress the lower pectorals, perform this lift on a decline bench.


Lay face up and sideways across a flat bench so the middle to upper part of your back is on the bench and your head and neck are extended off the bench and tilted slightly back. Grasp a dumbbell with bar between thumb and forefinger and one hand overlapping the other. Press your arms straight up over your chest while keeping your "gluts" well below the bench. Next, lower the dumbbell over your head to within a couple of inches of the floor. Exhale as you lower the weight. Raise the weight back to the starting position.

7.Pec-Deck Flies:

Sit or stand with your back against the back pad of a "pec" deck. Press your forearms firmly against the arm pads and then bring the pads together by contracting your pectorals. Return to the starting position using a slow, controlled motion. Remember to lead with your elbows and guide with your hands.

8.Standing Cable Crossover:

Grasp the handles of two overhead pulleys with a palms-down grip and with your arms slightly above shoulder level. Bend forward from the hips at approximately a 10 degree angle while maintaining the normal curvature of the spine. While keeping your arms relatively straight, begin moving your arms downward. As you approach your sides, bring your arms slightly in front of your body until your hands meet or cross slightly. Squeeze momentarily and then slowly return to the starting position.

Shoulders Workout

Here are the simple and easy-to-do shoulder workouts:

1.Military Press Using a Straight Bar Or Dumbbells:

This exercise can be performed standing or sitting on a bench with back support. Grasp a barbell using an overhand full grip and with your hands about shoulder width apart. Hold the bar at shoulder level with your elbows bent. Starting position can either be in front of head or behind. At this point, your forearms should be perpendicular to the bar. Push the bar up overhead until your arms are almost straight. Keep the weight balanced and under control at all times. While pushing, remember to keep your feet square and your legs perpendicular to the ground. From this extended position, lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat the entire movement. During this lift, keep your eyes focused straight ahead and avoid arching backwards or to the side. Correct form is more important than heavier weights.

2.Side Lateral Raise- Medial Deltoid:

Position yourself with the dumbbells at your side and held slightly forward of your body and your knees in a slightly bent position. make sure to keep your chest forward and your shoulders retracted. Raise the dumbbells straight away from your sides. Near the middle to the top of the lift begin to turn your wrist down so your little finger is higher than your thumb. For variety, this exercise can be performed with cables.

3.Front Deltoid Raises:

Stand with a dumbbell in each hand and the weights resting against the front of your thighs. Lift one weight straight out and up in an arc until it is slightly above your head. Lower the weight back to the starting position using a slow, controlled motion. Repeat the movement with your opposite arm. Avoid moving the weights simultaneously (one going up while the other is coming down); doing this can cause injury by putting too much torsion on the spine. In order to work directly on the front head of the deltoids, make certain the dumbbells are straight out in front of you, not straying to your sides. Avoid locking your elbows or knees and avoid lifting the weight too high. For variety, a straight bar can be substituted for the dumbbells.

4.Shoulder Shrugs:

Stand with arms at your sides and a heavy dumbbell in each hand. Raise your shoulders as high as your can. Imagine you are trying to touch your ears with your shoulders. Hold for a moment at the top of the movement, then slowly release the muscle and lower the weights back down. Try to lift the weights using only your shoulders. Imagine your arms and hands are just hooks for the weights, and do not lift your arms during the exercise.

5.Bent-Over Lateral Raise - Rear Deltoids:

Grasp a dumbbell in each hand. Hinging at the hip, bend over with feet shoulder width apart and spine straight. Keeping your arms slightly bent, raise the weights up and away from your body in a reverse fly fashion. Raise your arms at a slight angle towards you head. Turn your thumbs down as you lift and hold for 1 second at the top of the lift. Bring the weights down using a slow, controlled motion, and then repeat the entire exercise. Avoid swinging the weights or raising your head up. You must focus on using the rear deltoids during this lift.

6.Close Grip Upright Rows:

Using an overhand grip, grasp a barbell with your hands six to eight inches apart. Pull the bar straight up until it nearly touches your chin. Concentrate on pulling your elbows — not hands — upward. Allow your elbows to go out to the side and as high as your ears on the upward movement. Pause momentarily at the top of the movement before lowering the bar back to the starting position. Concentrate on using the deltoids as you lift. Keep your trunk erect and your spine maintained in its neutral curvature throughout the exercise. Avoid bending backward.

Triceps Workout

Triceps consist of 2/3 of the arm. Here are the best tricep exercises for you to practice:

1.Tricep One-Arm Extension:

Sit on a bench or chair. Hold a dumbbell in one hand. Extend your arms so the weight is over your head. Keeping your upper arm and elbow stationary and close to your head, lower the dumbbell in an arc behind your head. Feel the triceps stretch as far as possible and then press the dumbbell back up to the starting position. Finish your set working one arm only and then repeat the movement with the other arm. Keep your shoulders squared facing forward and control the weight at all times.

2.Tricep Press downs:

While standing, grip a press down bar with your palms facing down and your hands about eight inches apart. Keep your upper arms tucked into your body throughout the exercise. Begin with your forearms touching your biceps and press the bar down in a semicircle until your arms are fully extended. Squeeze the triceps as you extend. Return to the starting position. For variety, you can use a reverse grip. Avoid raising your elbows or pulling them away from your sides.

3.Tricep Kickbacks:

Bend at the waist to a 45 degree angle. Lean one hand on a bench for support. With the other hand, take hold of a dumbbell. Keeping your upper arm stationary and elbow tight against your body, straighten your arm by moving the weight backwards, behind your body, until your elbow locks. Hold momentarily and squeeze the tricep muscle. Slowly lower the weight back to starting position. Repeat. Finish your "reps" on one side before working the other arm.

4.French press with EZ bar:

Grasp an EZ-curl bar on the inside (about 12" apart) using an overhand grip. Extend your arms out directly over your chest. The bar should be positioned straight ahead of your eyes. While keeping your elbows stationary and held closely together, lower the bar to your forehead. Keep your elbows pointed upward as you lower the bar. Press the weight back to the starting position with the bar over your head, not over your chest. Avoid locking your elbows and arching your back.

5.Tricep Bench Dips:

Place a bench sideways and behind you. Lean your back against the bench and hold onto the edge of the bench with your hands about shoulder width apart. Place your heels on another bench. Press yourself up by straightening your arms. Stop just before your elbows lock. Slowly lower yourself as far as possible to get a full range of motion. You can increase resistance by having a partner place weights on your lap. Avoid bending your knees while preforming this exercise. Avoid letting your body slump forward.

6.Tricep Dips:

Hold yourself at arms' length above the parallel dip bars. Cross your legs up behind you. Keeping your head up and your body as upright as possible, slowly lower yourself until your arms are bent to a 90 degree angle. By keeping your body upright, you put greater stress on the triceps. If you let your upper body lean forward, the stress will shift to the pectorals. At the bottom of the movement, press yourself back upward until your elbows almost lock. Hold this position for 2 seconds. If you are able to do more than 15 reps you should consider adding resistance by adding a weight belt around your waist.

Biceps Workout

Here are the workouts which will make your bicep real big and effective:

1.Standing Bicep Curls:

Stand erect in a comfortable position. Using an underhand grip, grip a bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. Next, extend your arms down to full extension. Keep your elbows pulled tight into your sides as you curl the bar upward towards your chin until you fully contract your biceps. Lower the bar slowly until your arms are fully extended. Contract your biceps hard at the top of the movement and hold for 2 seconds. Vary the width of the grip on the bar from time to time. Perform the movement leaning slightly forward and bringing your chin to the bar. Avoid leaning backwards and raising your elbows.

2.Alternating Dumbbell Curls:

Stand upright with a dumbbell hanging at arms' length on each side. Your palms should face your body (inward). Curl one dumbbell forward and up in an arc. While lifting the dumbbell, twist your wrist so the palm faces toward you. Keeping your elbow steady at your side, curl as high as possible and flex your bicep hard at the top of the movement. Lower the weight slowly following the same arc. Completely lower one dumbbell before starting to curl the opposite dumbbell. For variety, perform the exercise on a seated or an incline seated bench. You can also perform Hammer Curls using the same technique but maintain the palms facing each other throughout the lift. Remember to lower the weights slowly.

3.Concentration Curls:
Seated Cable Rows
Sit on the end of a bench. Hold a dumbbell in one hand and rest the back of the upper arm against the inside of the same leg. Support the opposite arm on the opposite leg for stability. Curl the weight up toward your deltoid without moving the upper arm or elbow. Do not allow your elbow to rest against your thigh. As you are curling, twist your wrist so your finger is higher than your thumb. Flex your bicep hard at the top of the curl and then lower the weight slowly. Resist the weight all the way down until your arm is fully extended.

4.Reverse Barbell Curls:

Grasp a bar using an overhand grip. Keep your hands shoulder width apart. Let the bar hang down at arms' length in front of you. Keep both elbows fixed at your side as you curl the bar upward to a position just under the chin. Contract the bicep as fully as possible at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Keep your shoulders square and your knees bent slightly. Avoid swinging the weight, bending backward or forward or raising your elbows as you lift the weights.

5.Preacher Curls:
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
Position yourself with your chest against a bench, your triceps resting on the bench, your arms shoulder width apart and bent, and your hands grasping a bar with an underhand grip. Slowly straighten your arms, lowering the bar, until your arms are fully extended. This is the starting position. In a controlled manner, curl the weight up and then lower it again to full extension. Resist the weight on the way down. Preacher curls can be done either sitting or standing. For variety, use dumbbells for this exercise. Avoid curling the weight up too high and pulling the elbows up too high on the pad.

Warm Ups

Warm Ups are needed before every workout either it is Jogging or weight lifting to make your body ready for the real workouts. The following warm up exercises can get you  ready:


It is important if you do some initial stretching workouts which include arms stretches, leg stretches, side curls etc. Hanging on a bar is also useful as it concentrates on your whole upper body.

Doing push ups can also give a nice warm up.

Man People Athletic Exercise Stretching Warm Up Sign Symbol Pictogram Icon - stock vector

Initial Preparation

Alright guys so here are a few tips that you should follow to initially start your exercising skills:

-Prepare Yourself Mentally:

Before doing any workout, you have to prepare yourself mentally and physically. In that way you will be able to perform the best.

-Set Up a specific workout time:

Set up a time for the exercise and always be ready when that time strikes. And remember , no excuses. The preferable time for any workout is early morning at dawn.

-Set up your goals:
Remember, without any goals set, you'll not be able to flourish your workout. Make goals and follow them precisely.

-Set up a Nutrition plan:
It is always better if you follow the right diet and a healthy food plan. It will help to keep your body maintained and prevent diseases. Try not to eat fats a lot or junk food. Concentrate more on lean proteins and Carbohydrate foods and different fibers.

-Sleep Well:

It is important if you sleep early at night and wake up early morning, This keeps you refreshed for long, physically and mentally as well. Take at least 7 hours of sleep.

-Never Give up:
I know it does feel like a labour to do. But believe me, if you give everything you have for that moment when you are in stress, you'll succeed no matter what happens. Just believe it and continue exercising.

If you practice the above mentioned instructions, your life will be healthy.

P.s. Remember just 'one muscle' day . For example when you are going for biceps and triceps, just go for all the biceps and triceps exercises the whole time. When you go for bench press, concentrate on all the chest exercises that day.


Everyone wants a healthy body shape. In here i'm going to give you guys some efficient exercise tips which if practiced can make your body just like you want it. You just have to follow the guidelines.