Here are the methods through which you can make your back more muscled and beautiful:
1.Lat Pull Downs:
Pull down to front: (most recommended) Sit on a seated "lat" machine and place both hands on the bar using an overhand grip. Keep your back slightly arched and in an upright position. Pull the bar down to your chest with your arms held back behind you. Slowly allow the weight to pull your arms back up into an extended position and stretch. Avoid bending backwards too far during this movement; bending too far will prevent full activation of the back muscles. Various grips can be used. Gripping the bar with hands close together (underhand grip) increases the load on the lower "lats." A wide grip works the upper "lats."
2.Bent Over Barbell Rows:
Always wear a lifting belt for this exercise. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width beneath the bar. Grasp the bar with a pronated (overhand) grip and your hands four to six inches wider than your shoulders. While performing this exercise, keep your eyes focused straight ahead and avoid watching the bar. Keep your knees slightly bent at a constant angle. Contract your abdominals while you flatten your back and stabilize your torso so it is parallel to the floor. Slowly pull the bar in a vertical line toward your chest. Keep your elbows high and away from your sides. Pause at your low-pec line. Return to the starting position, but don't allow the weight to touch the floor. Exhale as you pull the weight and inhale as you lower it.
3.Seated Cable Rows:
Sit with your feet braced against the crossbar of a rowing machine and your knees bent slightly. Grasp the handles. Extend your arms and bend forward until you feel your "lats" stretch. You should be seated far enough from the weight stack so you can stretch as described without allowing the weight to touch the ground. From this beginning position, pull the handles back toward your body and into your sternum. Force your back muscles to do most the work as you draw the weight toward you. Stick out your chest. Arch your back. Try to touch your shoulder blades together. Upon completion of the "rep," you should be sitting upright, not leaning backward. Next, while keeping the weight under control, release your muscles slowly as you let the handles go forward again, once more stretching out the "lats." While performing this exercise, keep your head upright and fixed, knees bent slightly, and avoid bending forward too far or leaning back.
4.One-Arm Dumbbell Rows:
Place the knee and hand of one side of your body on a bench for support. Keep your back flat and parallel to the floor. With the opposite hand, grasp a dumbbell . Let it hang at arms length fully stretching the muscle. Keep your palm facing your body throughout the full range of this exercise and keep your body steady and stationary. Pull the dumbbell up and back toward your hip. Squeeze hard and contract the back muscle. Concentrate on doing the work with your back, rather than arm. Lower the weight as directly in front of your body as possible. Remember to keep the weight always under control. Chin-Ups Grasp an overhead chinning bar using an overhand full grip. Hang fully stretched from the bar. Next, pull yourself up. Try to touch the top of your chest to the bar. Pause slightly at the top of the movement and then slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Avoid swinging or kicking your legs or allowing them to go straight. A partner can assist by lifting your feet for forced "reps". Chin-ups are difficult to perform but — done correctly — they build upper-back width and muscularity like no other movement.
Grasp an overhead chinning bar using an overhand full grip. Hang fully stretched from the bar. Next, pull yourself up. Try to touch the top of your chest to the bar. Pause slightly at the top of the movement and then slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Avoid swinging or kicking your legs or allowing them to go straight. A partner can assist by lifting your feet for forced "reps". Chin-ups are difficult to perform but — done correctly — they build upper-back width and muscularity like no other movement.
6.T-Bar Rows:
Stand on a T-Bar roll machine and grasp the bar. Bend your knees slightly and keep your back flat. Keep your head up as you lift the weight from the floor and pull the T-bar up as high as possible. Lift until the weight comes in contact with your chest. Hold it for 2 seconds. Slowly lower the weight to the floor and stretch the upper back before resuming the pull upwards for the next repetition. Use relatively small plates (not less weight) to allow for greater range of motion and promote development of the back. Avoid swinging the weight and arching the back.
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